Mathify is a WYSIWYG math editor. Currently it is useful for creating formulas, copy LaTeX into clipboard, sharing as .jpg or .png images and also calculate results in WolframAlpha. It has limitation of 2 times usage of each of the operation per day. You have to subscribe to PRO version for unlimited usage. -For greek symbols include greek in your native keyboard.-To select formula longpress on a formula or text.-To activate zoom using pinch gestures tap with two fingers then start to zoom. To deactivate zoom mode tap with single finger.-For power or index (superscript, subscript) use _ (underscore) for sub and ^ for super scripts.For Big Operators (integrals, sum, product ....) choose type of limits and to add limits press _ (underscore) for lower limit and ^ for upper limit.Do not use Mathify as full text editor, instead create short math formulas, export them as image, and import into Word or Google docs or any other text editor.